Your Zone: Finding It and Getting There

a person standing towards the top of a yellow striped area marked with the word zone

Finding Your Zone People often mention “finding your zone” but that is a lot easier said than done and what does that even mean?  The first thing to know is what the zone even is and what it means. The graph below shows an example of the individual zone of optimal functioning (IZOF). The IZOF […]

Controlling the Controllables

stack of rocks balancing on the point of a sharp rock

Controlling the Controllables Every season has wins and losses. Every game has mistakes. And whether you are working towards a long-term goal or just trying to play your best every game, it sometimes feels like nothing is going or way, that the losses outweigh the wins, and that every game has more mistakes than things […]

Goals- Learning How to Set Them Part Three

person stepping up the stairs

Goals and Setting Them Part Three GOAL-SETTING! Goals are one of the most common and important aspects of mental performance. Therefore, goal-setting will be split into three parts: SMART Goals, WOOP Goals, and Creating a Goal Ladder. In this last part, we will be going over how to create a Goal Ladder. A Goal Ladder […]

Goals- Learning How to Set Them Part Two

journal with wish for it, hope for it, dream of it, but by all means, do it written on it

Goals and Setting Them Part Two GOAL-SETTING! Goals are one of the most common and important aspects of mental performance. Therefore, goal-setting will be split into three parts: SMART Goals, WOOP Goals, and Creating a Goal Ladder. In this second part, we will focus on WOOP Goals, which focuses on the bigger picture of what […]

Goals- Learning How to Set Them Part One

mint green progress journal closed with silver pen to the right

Goals and Setting Them Part One GOAL-SETTING! Goals are one of the most common and important aspects of mental performance. Goal-setting will be split into three parts: SMART Goals, WOOP Goals, and Creating a Goal Ladder. In this first part, the focus will be on SMART Goals, which is one way to organize and set […]

Transitions and Mental Performance Training

basketball made through hoop with net and rim in frame

Mental Performance Training to Prepare for Transitions How to Deal with New Situations Transitions in life are important and may be exciting. On the other hand, they can make you nervous and that will affect your performance. These transitions could be trying out for a new team, starting high school sports, starting college while being […]

What is Mental Performance Training? 3 Things To Know

woman sitting down practicing mindfulness training

Mental Performance Training Mental performance training is becoming more common as its importance and success is more well-known. However, there is a lot of information out there about mental performance, so where do you start? And why is it so important? Let’s start with three important things to know about mental performance. 1. Sports are […]