What is Mental Performance Training? 3 Things To Know

woman sitting down practicing mindfulness training

Mental Performance Training

Mental performance training is becoming more common as its importance and success is more well-known. However, there is a lot of information out there about mental performance, so where do you start? And why is it so important? Let’s start with three important things to know about mental performance.

1. Sports are ___% mental. Ask anyone and they will give you a different percentage to fill in the blank. The point is that sports contain a mental performance part of the game. This could include handling nerves, being able to focus, overcoming obstacles, playing when you don’t feel ready, overcoming failure, and knowing who you are. Therefore, where there is mental performance, there is a space for mental training.

2. Mental performance focuses on the INTERNAL (conscious and unconscious)! While external/physical performance focuses on your natural and athletic abilities; internal/mental performance focuses on your thoughts, feelings, reactions, effort, and attitude.

3. Just like physical performance, mental performance needs to be trained and can be improved. Also just like physical performance, mental performance can be worked on individually and with a team (or any group). Mental performance training focuses on a variety of topics including emotional-regulation, communication, attention/concentration, goal-setting, overcoming obstacles/failures, and more, all of which can help you become a better all-around athlete and person.

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Who can help me with mental performance?

Almost any of your coaches, parents/guardians, etc. but if you are looking for someone more trained. There are professionals out there trained in sport psychology and certified mental performance consultants.

Where do I start?

If you aren’t for sure if you are ready for one-on-one or team sessions, that is okay. You, your coaches, or your parents/guardians can do some research, ask plenty of questions, and maybe start with a conversation to gather information. And this is where CTG is different from other camps because there is a focus on the mental side of the game as well as the technical skills. This is a way to get your feet wet in the world of mental performance.

Content Created by Kathryn Colby, M.Ed.

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